2021~2023 / 中国博士后创新人才支持计划
Jin Y, Liao F*, Cai J S. Data-driven modeling for rapid prediction of aerodynamic noise directivity of flow over a cylinder. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2025. (in press)
Liao F*, Jin Y. On geometric conservation for Runge-Kutta methods with dynamically deforming grid in high-order cell-centered finite difference method[J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2024: 113661.
Wang D D, Du Y M, Jin Y, Cai J S, Liao F*. Comparative study on predicting turbulent kinetic energy budget using high-order upwind scheme and non-dissipative central scheme[J]. Advances in Aerodynamics, 2024, 6(1): 24.
Liao F, Jin Y*. Preconditioned boundary-implicit subiterative DDADI method for accuracy and efficiency enhancement in low-Mach number flows[J]. Computers & Fluids, 2023, 264: 105950.
Jin Y, Liao F*. A Robust and Efficient Preconditioned Method for Low-Mach Turbulence and Aeroacoustics[C]//AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. 2023: 2125.
Jin Y, Liao F*, Cai J S. Convergence acceleration for subiterative DDADI/D3ADI using multiblock implicit boundary condition[J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 429: 110009.
Jin Y, Liao F*, Cai J S, Morris P J. Investigation on rod-airfoil noise with high-order cell-centered finite difference method and acoustic analogy[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 102: 105851.
Jin Y, Liao F*, Cai J S. Numerical simulation of 30P30N multi-element airfoil using delayed detached-eddy simulation[C]//AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum. 2020: 2556.
Jin Y, Liao F*, Cai J S. Compact schemes for multiscale flows with cell-centered finite difference method[J]. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2020, 85(1): 17.
Jin Y, Liao F*, Cai J S, Morris P J. Investigation of high-order cell-centered finite difference method for aeroacoustics[C]//25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. 2019: 2509.
Jin Y, Liao F, Cai J S*. Optimized low-dissipation and low-dispersion schemes for compressible flows[J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2018, 371: 820-849.
Jin Y, Cai J S*, Liao F. Comparative Numerical Studies of Flow Past a Cylinder at Reynolds Number 3 900[J]. Applied Mathematics & Mechanics (1000-0887), 2016, 37(12).
靳瑶,廖飞,蔡晋生,《翼型湍流噪声数据驱动模型的初步研究》,CFD基础科学问题研讨会暨国家数值风洞2024交流会, 上海, 2024-10-25.
靳瑶,廖飞,蔡晋生,《低速流动噪声指向性秒级预测模型构建方法》,2024年流固声耦合与控制学术会议,厦门, 2024-3-18.
靳瑶,廖飞,蔡晋生,《基于可压缩方程的极低速流动时间收敛加速方法》,第三届全国气动噪声及控制技术学术会议,昆明, 2023-7-18.
靳瑶,廖飞,蔡晋生,《OA309旋翼翼型在跨音速大攻角下的流致噪声特性》,第十二届全国流体力学学术会议,西安, 2022-11-19.
靳瑶,廖飞,蔡晋生,Philip Morris.《面向湍流和噪声计算的低耗散低色散紧致格式研究》,第十届全国流体力学学术会议,杭州,2018-10-25.
靳瑶,廖飞,高升力翼型气动和噪声代理优化方法. (公开)
基于高阶精度频谱优化格式的三维流场计算软件. (第一著作人)
基于高精度CFD模拟和FW-H声类比模型的气动噪声数值预测软件. (第一著作人)