罗 西 博士

教授 博士生导师





职称 教授 博士生导师 学科 建筑电气与智能化
职务 邮箱 xiluo@xauat.edu.cn
研究方向 建筑综合能源系统规划、人员用能行为分析及能源管理


2006~2010 西安交通大学,电气工程与自动化专业,学士

2010~2011 弗吉尼亚大学(美国),电气工程与自动化专业,硕士

2012~2018 陕西煤业化工集团有限责任公司,业务主管

2014~2018 西安建筑科技大学,管理科学与工程专业,博士

2016~2017 佛罗里达大学(美国),建筑学,访问学者


[1] 农机储能电池介入下光伏农宅柔性用能特性重塑研究,陕西省教育厅科学研究计划项目-青年创新团队项目,2024~2027主持

[2] 基于广义储能建模的西北农村居住建筑柔性用能负荷协同调控机制研究,陕西省科技厅重点研发计划一般项目,2024SFYBXM-612,2024~2025,主持

[3] 移动蓄电介入下西北农村住宅柔性用能负荷协同调控优化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,52378109,2024~2027,主持

[4] 使用者可控型公共建筑群体用能行为交互作用机理及节能驱动策略研究,陕西省创新能力支撑计划-青年科技新星项目,2023KJXX-043,2023~2024,主持

[5] 农村建筑能源微网分散互驱柔性协同机制与设计优化研究,陕西省科协青年人才托举计划项目,20220425,2023~2024,主持

[6] 西北农村分布式多能互补系统供需双向耦合机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,52008328,2021~2023,主持

[7] 建筑节能在高校排课系统中的应用技术研究,陕西省科技厅重点研发计划一般项目,2020SF-393,2020~2021,主持

[8] 西北乡村建筑能源系统多类异质能流交互机理及设计优化研究,西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室资助研究课题,LSZZ0202009,2020~2021,主持

[9] 基于多能互补的西部孤立乡村建筑能源系统优化设计研究,陕西省教育厅重点实验室科学研究计划项目,19JS041,2019~2021,主持

[10] 西部孤立乡村分布式多源互补能源系统优化模式研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018M643807XB,2018~2020,主持

[11] 陕西省居住建筑分布式光伏成本分摊及管理对策研究,陕西省科技厅软科学研究计划一般项目,2018KRM083,2018~2019,主持


[1] 面向零碳宜居建筑的数智场景产教协同育人路径研究,工程管理和工程造价专业教学指导分委员会专业教育教学改革研究项目,CMCC-202405,主持

[2] 零碳宜居建筑领域数智场景产教协同高层次人才培养路径研究,校级研究生教育综合改革项目,ZHGG20421,主持

[3] 产教融合,学科交叉——西北零碳宜居建筑领域人才“双轮驱动”培养模式研究与实践,校级教育教学改革研究项目,JG23YB11,主持

[4] 零碳宜居建筑领域创新人才培养创新实践平台建设,教育部产学合作协同育人项目,220600551163453,2022~2023,主持


[1] 陕西省农村建筑绿色低碳用能科普活动,陕西省生态环保公益项目,2024,主持


[1] Xiaoxiao Gao, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu.Threshoulds to rural energy transition: The multistage effects of urbanization on the rural household energy consumption structure. Energy. 319(2025)135121.

[2] Yongkai Sun, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Fan Ji, Ye Zhang. Impact of interactive evolution of heterogeneous occupants' air-conditioning usage behavior on air-conditioning energy consumption in unversity office buildings. Energy and Buildings. 331(2025)115378.

[3] Jianghua Liu, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Yaru Gao, Tingting Zhou, Xiongxiong Zhai, Lin He. Study on multi-agent evolutionary games promoting "distributed photovoltaics and electric heating" in rural areas: A case study in Xi'an China, a pilot city for clean heating. Journal of Cleaner Production. 486(2025)144458.

[4] 朱可欣,罗西*,刘晓君,高雅儒. 基于多因素权重分析的农村居民清洁取暖接受度预测方法研究. 太阳能学报. 2024,45(08):249-255.

[5] Xi Luo*, Tingting Li, Hui Wu, Yupan Wang. Flexibility evaluation and optimal scheduling of flexible energy loads considering association characteristics in residential buildings. Building Simulation. 2024.

[6] 罗西*,潘梦钊,刘艳峰. 高原宾馆建筑电-热-氧联供系统容量优化配置. 太阳能学报. 2024,45(08):115-122.

[7] Xi Luo*, Mengzhao Pan. Optimal design of a combined Power-Heating-Oxygen system for plateau hotel buildings. Energy and Buildings. 319(2024)114508.

[8] Yusen Jiang, Xi Luo*. Optimization of University Timetables Considering Students' Thermal Sensation in Classrooms. Energy and Built Environment. 2024.

[9] 罗西*,石文策,杨燕子. 农机电池介入下农村居住建筑柔性负荷优化调控. 建筑科学. 2024,40(4):42-52.

[10] Xi Luo*, Wence Shi. Optimal regulation of flexible loads in rural residential buildings considering mobile batteries: A case study in Shaanxi Province. Building Simulation. 2024. 

[11] Xi Luo*, Lina Du. Energy consumption simulations of rual residential buildings considering differences in energy use behavior among family members. Building Simulation. 2024. 

[12] Menglin Xing, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Na Li. How different types of knowledge affect the energy-saving intention of college students-evidence from eye-tracking experiments. Journal of Green Building. 2024,19:307-330. 

[13] Tingting Zhou, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Xiongxiong Zhai, Yongkai Sun, Guangchuan Liu, Jianghua Liu, Yaru Gao, Daifeng Dang, Na Li, Pingan Feng, Yuan Gao, Haoxiang Yang. The Green and Low-Carbon Development Pathways in the Urban and Rural Building Sector in Shaanxi Province, China. Energy and Buildings. 306(2024)113952.

[14] Ning Liu, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Menglin Xing. Impacts of normative information on college students' energy-saving intentions and behaviors in the dormitory. Energy and Built Environment. 2024.

[15] Ye Zhang, Xi Luo*, Yongkai Sun, Xiaojun Liu. Impacts of air-conditioning usage behavior of student groups on air-conditioning load simulation in university dormitories. Energy and Buildings. 303(2024)113765.

[16] 刘艳峰,杨燕子,罗西*. 关中农村不同类型家庭夏季柔性用能负荷多目标优化调度研究. 太阳能学报. 2023,44(8):110-118.

[17] 罗西*,赵天亮,刘艳峰,杨燕子. 中国太阳能富集区农村居住社区可平移负荷分组聚合与特性评价. 太阳能学报. 2023,44(12):1-8.

[18] Ning Liu, Menglin Xing, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu. Characterising the effect of model dormitory on energy-saving intention of college students through the lens of reference points. Journal of Building Engineering. 77(2023)107488.

[19] 刘艳峰,穆婷,罗西*,胡筱雪,胡德泽. 光照资源富集区太阳能集中供热系统容量配置及热网管径协同设计优化研究. 太阳能学报. 2023,44(1):85-93

[20] 刘晓君, 罗西, 高潇骁, 王刚. 全面推进乡村振兴实现共同富裕的县域样本. 经济要参. 2023,11,25-27.

[21] Xi Luo*, Yaru Gao, Xiaojun Liu, Yongkai Sun, Na Li, Jianghua Liu. ACHRA: A novel model to study the propagation of clean heating acceptance among rural residents based on social networks. Applied Energy. 333(2023)120664.

[22] Xi Luo*, Yanzi Yang, Yanfeng Liu, Tianliang Zhao. Classification of energy use patterns and multi-objective optimal scheduling of flexible loads in rural households. Energy and Buildings. 183(2023)112811.

[23] Xi Luo*, Min Zhang, Xiaojun Liu. Analysis of factors affecting rural residents' willingness to adjust energy use behaviors based on a multi-group analysis. Energy Reports. 9(2023)523-538.

[24] Yanfeng Liu, Ting Mu, Xi Luo*. Multi-objective optimization of equipment capacity and heating network design for a centralized solar district heating system. Building Simulation. 2023,(16)51-67.

[25] Yanfeng Liu, Hui Ming, Xi Luo*, Liang Hu, Yongkai Sun. Timetabling Optimization of Classrooms and Self-study Rooms in University Teaching Buildings Based on the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed Platform Considering Energy Efficiency. Building Simulation. 2023,(16)263-277.

[26] 刘艳峰,明慧,罗西*,胡亮,孙勇凯. 间歇供暖模式下高校教学建筑多目标排课优化研究. 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版). 2022,54(5)710-717.

[27] 孙勇凯,罗西*,王登甲,刘艳峰,刘加平. 西北地区能源生产消费特征与发展路径研究. 中国工程科学. 2022,24(6)1-14.

[28] Tingting Zhou, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Guangchuan Liu, Na Li, Yongkai Sun, Menglin Xing, Jianghua Liu. Analysis of the influence of the stay-at-home order on the electricity consumption in Chinese university dormitory buildings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Energy and Buildings. 277(2022)112582.

[29] Na Li,Xi Luo*, Fuzhou Luo, Dingyu Zhang, Jianhua Liu, Yaru Gao, Menglin Xing, Tingting Zhou, Kexin Zhu. Exploring the influencing factors of Chinese rural households' clean heating choice considering the attitude-behavior gap based on two-level classification methods. Energy and Buildings. 273(2022)112357.

[30] 刘艳峰,刘正学,罗西*,胡亮,王亚星. 基于柔性负荷的孤立多能互补建筑能源系统优化设计. 太阳能学报. 2022,43(6):24-32.

[31] Yanfeng Liu, Peng Wang, Xi Luo*, Min Zhang, Tianliang Zhao, Yanzi Yang, Yongkai Sun, Xiaodan Liu, Jianghua Liu. Analysis of flexible energy use behavior of rural residents based on two-stage questionnaire: A case study in Xi'an China. Energy and Buildings. 269(2022)112246.

[32] 刘艳峰, 王亚星, 罗西*,胡筱雪,刘正学. 基于动态运行策略的太阳能分布式供能系统设计运行联合优化. 太阳能学报. 2022,43(5):244-251.

[33] Jianghua Liu, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Na Li, Menglin Xing, Yaru Gao, Yanfeng Liu. Rural residents' acceptance of clean heating: An extended technology acceptance model considering rural residents' livelihood capital and perception of clean heating. Energy and Buildings. 267(2022)112154.

[34] Xi Luo*, Yongkai Sun, Xiaojun Liu, Yaru Gao, Haili Sun, Yanfeng Liu. Course timetable optimization for a university teaching building considering the building energy efficiency and time-varying thermal perception of students. Building and Environment. 219(2022)109175.

[35] Xi Luo*, Wence Shi, Yusen Jiang, Yanfeng Liu, Jinwen Xia. Distributed peer-to-peer energy trading based on game theory in a community microgrid considering ownership complexity of distributed energy resources. Journal of Cleaner Production. 351(2022)133572.

[36] Na Li, Xi Luo*, Menglin Xing, Jianghua Liu, Yaru Gao, Tingting Zhou, Min Zhang, Jin Li, Yanfeng Liu. Exploring the formation conditions and dynamic trends of rural residents' clean heating behaviour in northern China based on reinforcement learning. Journal of Cleaner Production. 344(2022)131142.

[37] Xiaojun Liu, Min Zhang, Xi Luo*, Peng Wang, Ting Mu, Hui Ming, Deze Hu, Tianliang Zhao, Yanzi Yang. Impact of socio-economic characteristics on energy consumption behaviors of suburban rural residents: evidence from on-site surveys in the Guanzhong Plain of China. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies. 2022,17,38-57.

[38] Xi Luo*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Liu. Bi-level multi-objective optimization of design and subsidies for standalone hybrid renewable energy systems: A novel approach based on artificial neural network. Journal of Building Engineering. 41(2021)102744.

[39] Xi Luo*, Yanfeng Liu, Pingan Feng, Yuan Gao, Zhenxiang Guo. Optimization of a solar-based integrated energy system considering interaction between generation, network, and demand side. Applied Energy. 294(2021)116931.

[40] Yanfeng Liu, Weihua Zhou, Xi Luo*, Dengjia Wang, Xiaxue Hu, Liang Hu. Design and operation optimization of multi-source complementary heating system based on air source heat pump in Tibetan area of Western Sichuan, China. Energy and Buildings. 242(2021)110979.

[41] Xi Luo*, Jinwen Xia, Yanfeng Liu. Extraction of dynamic operation strategy for standalone solar-based multi-energy systems: A method based on decision tree algorithm. Sustainable Cities and Society. 70(2021)102917.

[42] Yongkai Sun, Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu. Optimization of a university timetable considering building energy efficiency: An approach based on the building controls virtual test bed platform using a genetic algorithm. Journal of Building Engineering. 35(2021)102095.

[43] Xi Luo*, Yanfeng Liu. A multiple-coalition-based energy trading scheme of hierarchical integrated energy systems. Sustainable Cities and Society. 64(2021)102518.

[44] Xi Luo*, Xiaojun Liu, Yanfeng Liu, Jiaping Liu, Yaxing Wang. Benefit-based cost allocation for residentially distributed Photovoltaic systems in China: A cooperative game theory approach. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 2021,8(2):271-283.

[45] 刘艳峰, 周位华, 罗西*, 胡筱雪. 川西高山峡谷区空气源热泵多源互补供热系统热源方案比选及优化设计. 太阳能学报. 2021,42(10):478-486.

[46] Xi Luo*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Liu. Multi-objective optimizaiton and cost-based output pricing of a standalone hybrid energy system integrated with desalination. The Engineering Economist. (2020)1853862.

[47] Xiaodan Liu, Xiaojun Liu, Xi Luo*, Mengmeng Wang, Hanliang Fu, Bojun Wang, Yongkai Sun, Wei Hu. Analysis on the influencing mechanism of informational policy instrument on adopting energy consumption monitoring technology in public buildings. Energy Efficiency. 13(2020)1485-1503.

[48] Xi Luo*, Yanfeng Liu, Jiaping Liu, Xiaojun Liu. Energy scheduling for a three-level integrated energy system based on energy hub models: A hierarchical Stackelberg game approach. Sustainable Cities and Society. 52(2020)101814.

[49] Xi Luo*, Yanfeng Liu, Jiaping Liu, Xiaojun Liu. Optimal design and cost allocation of a distributed energy resource (DER) system with district energy networks: A case study of an isolated island in the South China Sea. Sustainable Cities and Society. 51(2019)101762.

[50] Xi Luo*, Jiaping Liu, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Liu. Bi-level optimization of design, operation, and subsidies for standalone solar/diesel multi-generation energy systems. Sustainable Cities and Society. 43(2019)101592.

[51] Xi Luo*, Ying Zhu, Jiaping Liu, Yanfeng Liu. Design and analysis of a combined desalination and standalone CCHP (combined cooling heating and power) system integrating solar energy based on a bi-level optimization model. Sustainable Cities and Society. 43(2018)166-175.

[52] Xi Luo*, Jiaping Liu. Cost allocation of residential distributed PV project based on cooperative game theory. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. 2016, 9(5):2106-2112.

[53] 罗西*, 刘加平. 基于夏普利值的居住建筑分布式光伏发电系统费用分摊分析. 统计与信息论坛. 2016,31(11):75-80.

[54] Xi Luo*, Jiaping Liu. Economic Analysis of Residential Distributed Solar Photovoltaic. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 2015,2(2):125-130.

[55] 罗西*, 刘加平. 居住建筑分布式光伏发电系统经济性分析. 西安建筑科技大学学报. 2015,47(3):437-441.

[56] 罗西*, 卢才武. 城镇化进程中居住建筑使用寿命的影响因素分析. 西安建筑科技大学学报. 2015,47(6):920-924.





2025 陕西省三秦英才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才

2024 第二届全国高等学校建筑电气与智能化专业教师讲课竞赛一等奖

2024 西安建筑科技大学优秀毕业设计指导教师

2024 陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果一等奖(1/9):双碳背景下西北农村建筑能源绿色转型发展实施路径

2023 陕西省第十六次哲学社会科学优化成果三等奖(1/1):中国居住建筑分布式光伏发电系统成本分摊研究

2023 第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖(指导教师):荷随源变,潜力无限——汾渭平原农村柔性用能负荷调节潜力评估

2023 陕西高等学校科学技术奖特等奖(4/11):极端环境下太阳能高效供热安全保障关键技术与应用

2023 全省“三农”工作优秀调研成果三等奖(3/3):全流域城乡统筹治理污水的洛南方案及启示

2023 优秀城市规划设计奖(15/15):环青海湖地区城镇人居环境提升行动计划(战略研究)

2022 陕西省青年科技新星

2022 华夏建设科学技术奖特等奖(11/15):极端热湿气候区超低能耗建筑关键技术与应用

2022 陕西省第十五届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(1/1)

2022 陕西省科协青年人才托举计划项目入选者

2022 陕西省高等教育教学成果二等奖(4/5):高原边疆零碳宜居建筑领域高层次紧缺人才培养体系构建与实践

2022 陕西第四届本科高校课堂教学创新大赛三等奖:可再生能源系统设计与集成

2022 陕西省科技进步奖三等奖(1/7):综合能源系统“源-网-荷”技术集成、创新与应用

2021 陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(1/10):能源互联网背景下“源-网-荷”综合能源服务模式研究

2020 西安建筑科技大学优秀青年科研团队育苗学者

2018 中国电力企业联合会电力创新奖二等奖(10/10):“一改一网”下的陕煤智慧能源公司创新发展模式


2020 《公共机构能耗定额(DB61)》,地方标准

2023 《工业建筑太阳能光伏系统评价标准(T/CECS 1461-2023)》,协会标准


[1] 罗西,孙勇凯,刘晓君. 一种基于建筑节能的高校排课系统及方法,ZL202210027103.1,发明专利

[2] 罗西,孙勇凯,刘晓君,明慧. 基于建筑节能的高校排课软件V1.0,2021SR607102,软件著作


[1] 《Building Simulation》青年编委

[2] 《Frontiers of Engineering Management》特约通讯专家

[3] 中国建筑节能协会绿色大学工作委员会常务委员

[4] 中国可再生能源学会热利用专委会委员

[5] 中国仿真学会建筑仿真专业委员会委员

[6] 暖通空调产业技术创新联盟智能化专业委员会委员

[7] 陕西省青年联合会委员会委员

[8] 陕西省环保志愿者联合会会员

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