13. 陕西省青年科技新星,2024.12
12. 青年优秀论文,第二十四届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会,2024.10
11. 优秀论文奖,《暖通空调》2022年度优秀论文,2023.11
10. 陕西省高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖,一等奖(1/11),“有色冶金工业厂房复杂污染物多元化通风新技术与应用”,2023.04
09. 陕西省科学技术进步奖,一等奖 (3/11),“工业建筑高大空间环境分区控制关键技术与应用”,2022.03
08. “涡旋通风技术” 入选国家卫生健康委《工作场所化学毒物工程防护先进适宜技术指南(2022年)》,2022
07. 中国钢结构协会科学技术奖,一等奖 (10/15),“大型工业建筑环境质量提升与节能关键技术”,2019.10
06. 中国冶金科工集团有限公司科学技术奖,二等奖 (7/15),“高污染工业建筑高效环境控制关键技术与工程应用”,2019.12
05. 西安建筑科技大学优秀博士学位论文,西安建筑科技大学,2020
04. 西安建筑科技大学优秀毕业生,西安建筑科技大学,2019
03. 全国三等奖,全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,2018
02. 博士生国家奖学金,2017,2018
01. 优秀论文奖,全国暖通空调通风技术学术年会,2017.11
03. 第十八届全国环境友好科技竞赛,全国一等奖,2023
02. 第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,全国三等奖,2023
01. 第21届MDV中央空调设计应用大赛,杰出设计奖、优秀指导教师奖,2023
33. Chen Zhang, Yuqing Bai, Zhixiang Cao*, Zefang Yang, Tongtong Zhao, Chao Zhai, Wenchao Lv, Yi Wang. Critical factors to formatting and stabilizing the vortex flow in the vortex ventilation system. Building Simulation, 2024.
32. Zhixiang Cao, Zhenghao Liu, Chen Zhang, Yi Wang*, Yuqing Bai, Songheng Wu. Performance analysis of a novel movable exhaust ventilation system for pollutant removal in industrial environments. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 97:110569.
31. Chao Zhai, Mahamadou Abdou-Tankari, Yi Wang, Zhixiang Cao*, Minghao Zhang. Scheduling Optimization of Shared energy storage and Peer-to-peer power trading amongindustrial buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 319:114539.
30. Zhixiang Cao,Yangshaohua Liu, Yuqing Bai, Yi Wang*, Shengjun Ye, Haibin Cao. Study on the optimal layout of roof vents and rooftop photovoltaic of the industrial workshop. Building and Environment, 2024, 260:111624.
29. Zhixiang Cao, Jiayi He, Yuqing Bai, Yi Wang*, Zijie Xiao, Yu Zhou, Yingxue Cao. A dynamic ventilation strategy for industrialbuildings based on weight factors. Building and Environment, 2024, 258:111578.
28. Zhixiang Cao, Minghao Zhang, Chao Zhai, Yi Wang*. Scheduling optimization of shared energy storage station in industrial park based on reputation factor. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 299:113596.
27. Zhixiang Cao, Xingxing Yang, Yi Wang*, Tongtong Zhao, Chao Zhai, Songheng Wu. Analysis of fugitive emission dispersion from urban industrial buildings and optimization using wind catchers. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2023, 239:105448.
26. Yi Wang, Tongtong Zhao, Zhixiang Cao*, Chao Zhai, Yu Zhou, Wenchao Lv, Tongyang Xu, Songheng Wu. Numerical study on the forced convection enhancement of flat-roof integrated photovoltaic by passive components. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 289:113063.
25. Zhixiang Cao, Pan Xiao, Yi Wang*, Yuqing Bai, Chen Zhang, Tongtong Zhao, Chao Zhai, Minghao Zhang, Songheng Wu. Performance of novel overhead crane fume-collecting hood for pollutant removal. Building Simulation, 2023, 16:1081–1095.
24. Zhixiang Cao, Yifan An, Yi Wang*, Yuqing Bai, Tongtong Zhao, Chao Zhai. Energy consumption of intermittent ventilation strategies of different air distribution modes for indoor pollutant removal. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 69:106242.
23. Zhixiang Cao, Yuqing Bai, Yi Wang*, Yifan An, Chen Zhang, Tongtong Zhao, Chao Zhai, Wenchao Lv, Yu Zhou, Songheng Wu. Numerical study on the effect of buoyancy-driven pollution source on vortex ventilation performance. Building and Environment, 2022, 225:109634.
22. Zhixiang Cao, Ruiping Wang, Chao Zhai, Yi Wang*, Tongtong Zhao, Songheng Wu. Flow characteristics and formation optimization of vortex ring air supply. Indoor Air, 2022, 32:e13096.
21. Chao Zhai, Yi Wang, Zhixiang Cao*, Tongtong Zhao, Ruiping Wang, Chen Zhang, Songheng Wu. Effect of thermal buoyancy on vortex ring air supply mode. Building and Environment, 2022, 221:109257.
20. Zhixiang Cao, Qiyue Zhang, Chao Zhai, Yi Wang*, Ruiping Wang, Pan Xiao, Tongtong Zhao, Songheng Wu, Yu Zhou, Yanqiu Huang.Experimental study of the formation and diffusion of soap bubbles for wrapping and transporting indoor airborne pollution. Building and Environment, 2022, 218:109148.
19. Zhixiang Cao, Chen Zhang, Chao Zhai, Yi Wang*, Meng Wang, Tongtong Zhao ,Wenchao Lv, Yanqiu Huang. Evaluation of a novel curved vortex exhaust system for pollutant removal. Building and Environment, 2021, 200:107931.
18. Yi Wang, Tongtong Zhao, Zhixiang Cao*, Chao Zhai, Songheng Wu, Chen Zhang, Qiyue Zhang, Wenchao Lv. The influence of indoor thermal conditions on ventilation flow and pollutant dispersion in downstream industrial workshop. Building and Environment, 2021, 187:107400.
17. Zhixiang Cao*, Tongtong Zhao, Yi Wang, Hongyu Wang, Chao Zhai, Wenchao Lv. Novel fluid diode plate for use within ventilation system based on Tesla structure. Building and Environment, 2020, 185:107257.
16. Yi Wang, Chao Zhai, Zhixiang Cao*, Tongtong Zhao. Potential application of using vortex ring for personalized ventilation. Indoor Air, 2020, 30:1296–1307.
15. Yi Wang, Chao Zhai, Tongtong Zhao, Zhixiang Cao*. Numerical study on pollutant removal performance of vortex ventilation with different pollution source locations. Building Simulation, 2020, 13:1373–1383.
14. Zhixiang Cao, Chao Zhai, Yi Wang*, Tongtong Zhao, Hongyu Wang. Flow characteristics and pollutant removal effectiveness of multi-vortex ventilation in high pollution emission industrial plant with large aspect ratio. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 54:101990.
13. Zhixiang Cao, Yi Wang*, Chao Zhai, Meng Wang. Performance evaluation of different air distribution systems for removal of concentrated emission contaminants by using vortexflow ventilation system. Building and Environment, 2018, 142:211–220.
12. Zhixiang Cao, Yi Wang*, Meng Wang. Comparison between vortex flow and bottom-supply flow on contaminant removal in a ventilated cavity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 118:223–234.
11. Yi Wang*, Zhixiang Cao. Industrial building environment: old problem and new challenge. Indoor and Built Environment, 2017, 26:1035–1039.
10. Zhixiang Cao, Yi Wang*, Mengjie Duan, Huaxin Zhu. Study of the vortex principle for improving the efficiency of an exhaust ventilation system. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 142:39–48.
09. Mengjie Duan, Yi Wang, Dong Gao, Yang Yang, Zhixiang Cao. Modeling dispersion mode of high-temperature particles transiently produced from industrial processes. Building and Environment, 2017, 126:457–470.
08. Yi Wang*, Jia-Ning Fan, Yang Yang*, Yuming Zhang, Zhixiang Cao, Tianlong Wang. Statistical analysis of jet drop generation based on bubble size measurements in the pickling process. Building and Environment, 2019, 155:25–33.
07. Yi Wang*, Songheng Wu, Yang Yang, Xiaoni Yang, Han Song, Zhixiang Cao, Yanqiu Huang. Evaporation and movement of fine droplets in non-uniform temperature and humidity field. Building and Environment, 2019, 150:75–87.
06. Zhixiang Cao*, Chao Zhai, Tongtong Zhao, Yi Wang. Numerical Study on Pollutant Removal Performance of Vortex Ventilation in Different Pollutant Locations. Environmental Science and Engineering, 2019, 67–75.
05. Songheng Wu, Yi Wang*, Canwen Chen, Zhixiang Cao, Jiaxuan Cao, Zhuolei Yu, Han Song. Valley city ventilation under the calm and stable weather conditions: A review. Building and Environment, 2021, 194:107668.
04. Zewei Ma, Yu Zhou*, Yi Wang, Zhixiang Cao, Mengfan Quan, Songheng Wu. Performance of an innovative personalized ventilation mode based on air attachment under non-isothermal air supply conditions. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 302:113744.
03. 王怡, 杨洋, 曹智翔. 工业建筑通风技术综述与展望. 暖通空调. 2022, 52:47–53.
02. 王宏宇,曹智翔*, 王怡. 新型涡旋排风罩捕集污染物的数值研究. 建筑热能通风空调, 2021, 40(5):43–46.
01. 谢春波, 权梦凡,曹智翔*, 王怡, 孙建新. 王旭平行流送风对侧吸排风罩烟气捕集效率的提升. 环境工程, 2021, 39(10):105–113.
08. Yuqing Bai, Zhixiang Cao*, Yi Wang, Chen Zhang. Numerical study on the effects of pollution source surface roughness on vortex ventilation performance, Roomvent 2024, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
07. Zhixiang Cao*, Yifan An, Yuqing Bai, Chen Zhang, Yi Wang. Study on durability and intermittent operation energy consumption of three ventilation air distribution in large industrial workshop. Ventilation 2022: 13th International Industrial Ventilation Conference for Contaminant Control, 2022, Toronto, Canada.
06. 翟超, 曹智翔*, 王怡, 赵同同, 王睿平. 非等温条件对涡环送风模式的影响.第二届华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议, 2021, 成都, 中国.
05. Zhixiang Cao*, Chao Zhai, Tongtong Zhao, Yi Wang. Numerical study on pollutant removal performance of vortex ventilation in different pollutant locations. The International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 2019 (ISHVAC 2019), 2019, Harbin, China.
04. Zhixiang Cao*, Yi Wang, Meng Wang, Chao Zhai. Numerical study on a novel vortex side hood for high temperature pollutant control. Roomvent & Ventilation Conference 2018, 2018, Espoo, Finland.
03. Zhixiang Cao*, Yi Wang, Meng Wang. A Comparison of concentrated contaminant removal in enclosure by using mixing ventilation and vortex ventilation. COBEE 2018, 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
02. 曹智翔*, 王怡, 翟超, 王萌. 不同弯曲度下涡旋排风罩的流场特性及捕集效率研究. 第13届全国建筑物理学术大会, 2018, 西安, 中国.
01. 曹智翔*, 王萌, 王怡. 新型涡旋排风系统捕集污染物的数值研究.全国通风技术年会, 2017, 马鞍山, 中国.
18. 高污染散发工业建筑环境减污降碳路径探索. 第24届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会, 2024.10.24, 湖州, 中国.
17. 涡旋通风:原理、技术与应用. 第24届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会, 2024.10.23, 湖州, 中国.
16. 高污染散发工业建筑环境减污降碳路径探索. 重点行业与近零碳排放试点园区减污降碳协同增效现场工作交流会, 2024.06.07, 宜宾, 中国.
15. Numerical study on the effects of pollution source surface roughness on vortex ventilation performance, Roomvent 2024, 2024.04.25, Stockholm, Sweden.
14. 涡流区参数对涡旋通风系统工作效率的影响研究. 第二十三届通风技术学术年会,2023.12.09,武汉,中国
13. Numerical Simulation Study of Comprehensive Energy Efficiency for Industrial Building Photovoltaic Roofs in Hot Summers and Cold Winters Regions, The International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 2023 (ISHVAC 2023), 2023.11.14, Beijing, China.
12. 空气动力学装置增强屋顶光伏表面对流换热的数值研究, 第三届华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议, 2023.07.29, 上海, 中国.
11. Optimization Of Peer-To-Peer Power Trading In A Microgrid With Distributed Pv And Shared Energy Storage Systems Among Industrial Users. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP HEALTH, ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND INTELLIGENT BUILDING SYSTEMS (HEIBS’23), 2023.07.05, Paris, France.
10. Study on durability and intermittent operation energy consumption of three ventilation air distribution in large industrial workshop. Ventilation 2022: 13th International Industrial Ventilation Conference for Contaminant Control, 2022.07.03, Toronto, Canada.
09. 工业建筑高效通风技术概述. 低碳、健康目标下城市和建筑通风理论、技术与方法, 教育部产学合作协同育人项目“公益-公开”线上课程. 2022.
08. 涡旋气流驱动的气载污染物控制技术研究. 第十届中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会学术年会. 2021, 武汉, 中国.
07. Valley city ventilation under the calm and table weather conditions.Session: Human-building interactions, ICEC 2021, 2021, Southampton, UK.
06. 基于涡结构的工业建筑通风气流组织模式研究. 第二十二届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会,工业通风技术分会场, 2020, 太原, 中国.
05. Numerical study on pollutant removal performance of vortex ventilation in different pollutant locations.Session 39: Ventilation Simulations 2, The International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 2019 (ISHVAC 2019), 2019.07, Harbin, China.
04. Demand-oriented environment by using vortex ventilation in industrial building. Workshop 7: Trends in demand-oriented non-uniform air distributions, Roomvent & Ventilation Conference 2018, 2018, Espoo, Finland.
03. Numerical study on a novel vortex side hood for high temperature pollutant control.Parallel Session: Ventilation Systems for Contaminant Control (CC2), Roomvent & Ventilation Conference 2018, 2018.07, Espoo, Finland.
02. A comparison of concentrated contaminant removal in enclosure by using mixing ventilation and vortex ventilation.Parallel Session: Ventilation(2), COBEE 2018, 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
01. 新型涡旋排风系统捕集污染物的数值研究. 全国通风技术年会, 工业通风分会场, 2017, 马鞍山, 中国.