陈耀文 博士

副教授 硕士生导师





职称 副教授 硕士生导师 学科 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程
职务 邮箱 yaowen@xauat.edu.cn
研究方向 太阳能区域供热技术、可再能源多能互补优化设计


2014.09-2020.06, 西安建筑科技大学 供热、供燃气、通风及空调专业 硕博连读

2010.09-2014.06, 西安建筑科技大学 建筑环境与设备工程专业 本科


2023.10至今,西安建筑科技大学, 建筑设备科学与工程学院,副教授

2020-07-2023.07, 西安建筑科技大学, 环境科学与工程流动站,师资博士后




1. 陕西省高等学校科学技术特等奖“西北村镇建筑热环境提升与能源高效利用关键技术与应用”,参与,2023

2. 华夏建设科学技术二等奖“西北村镇建筑热环境提升与能源高效利用关键技术与应用”,参与,2021

3. 西藏自治区科学技术一等奖“西藏高原可再生能源供暖关键技术创新与应用”,参与,2020

4. 陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖“多孔建筑材料热质耦合迁移机理及参数精准预测体系”,参与,2020



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,太阳能余热增温沼气互补供暖系统能质协调机制及优化设计方法研究,30万元,主持;

2. 国家重点研发计划中澳国际合作项目课题,应用于低碳区域能源系统的大规模水体储热模型及关键技术研 究,30万元,主持;


4. 中国博士后基金面上项目,西北乡村太阳能-沼气互补供能系统耦合增效机制及优化设计研究,8万元,主持;

5. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,高原藏区零能耗宜居建筑设计理论与关键技术研究,260万元,参与

6. “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目课题《藏区、西北及高原地区可再生能源采暖空调应用基础研究》,662万元,参与;

7. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题《极端热湿气候区超低能耗建筑热环境营造系统》,378万元,参与;


1. 中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司委托项目“高原高寒地区低能耗铁路建筑设计关键技术研究与应用”,44万元,参与;

2. 西藏鲲泰建设集团有限公司委托项目“青藏高原碳装配式建筑技术体系研究”,90万元,参与;

3. 宝鸡市智泽绿源热力有限责任公司委托项目“宝鸡市阳平镇公共建筑清洁供暖技术研究与应用”,12万元,参与;



1.Chen Yaowen*, Chen Zhihua, Wang Dengjia, Liu Yanfeng, Zhang Yaya, Liu Yanming, Zhao Yiting, Gao Meng, Fan Jianhua. Co-optimization of passive building and active solar heating system based on the objective of minimum carbon emissions.Energy, 2023, 275: 127401.

2.Chen Yaowen*,Mengchen Quan, Wang Dengjia, et al. Energy, exergy, and economic analysis of a solar photovoltaic and photothermal hybrid energy supply system for residential buildings[J].Building and Environment, 2023, 243: 110654.

3.Chen Yaowen*, Guo Mengmeng, Liu Yanfeng, Wang Dengjia, Zhuang Zhaobeng, Quan Mengchen. Energy, exergy, and economic analysis of a centralized solar and biogas hybrid heating system for rural areas.Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 276: 116591.

4.Yaowen Chen⁎, Mengchen Quan, Dengjia Wang, Hu Du, Yiting Zhao, Mengmeng Guo, Yanfeng Liu. Optimization and comparison of multiple solar energy systems for public sanitation service buildings in Tibet.Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 267: 115847.

5.Yaowen Chen, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Yuan Liu, Yanfeng Liu. Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of an enhanced convection-radiant heating wall panel with orifices.International Journal of Thermal Sciences,181(4):107704. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2022.107704.

6.Yaowen Chen, Yanfeng Liu*, Dengjia Wang, Tao Li, Yingying Wang, Yong Li. Numerical study of heat transfer performance of helical coiled tubes for heating high-solids slurry in household biogas digester.Applied thermal engineering, 2020, 166, 114666.

7. Yanfeng Liu*,Yaowen Chen, Yong Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Daokun Wang. Experimental research on the thermal performance of PEX helical coil pipes for heating the biogas digester.Applied thermal engineering, 2019, 147: 167-176.

8. Yanfeng Liu*,Yaowen Chen, Tao Li, Dengjia Wang, Daokun Wang. Investigation on the heat loss characteristic of underground household biogas digester using dynamic simulations and experiments.Biosystems engineering,2017, 163: 116-133.

9. Dengjia Wang, Bohao Fan,Chen Yaowen*, Ya Han, Yanfeng Liu, YingyingWang, Huaican Liu, Xuefeng Jiao. Comparative analysis of heat loss performance of flat plate solar collectors at different altitudes.Solar Energy, 2022, 244: 490-506.

10. Yanfeng Liu*, Yiting Zhao,Yaowen Chen*, Dengjia Wang, Yong Li, Xipeng Yuan. Design optimization of the solar heating system for office buildings based on life cycle cost in Qinghai-Tibet plateau of China.Energy, 2022, 246: 123288.

11. Mengmeng Guo, Yanfeng Liu*,Yaowen Chen*, Wenzhen Gao, Dengjia Wang, Huanlong Tang , Huaican Liu. Study on the effect of different types and distribution ratio of heat users on operation performance of the distributed solar centralized heating system.Energy and Buildings, 2022: 112265.

12. Yanfeng Liu*, Jingrui Liu,Yaowen Chen, Dengjia Wang, Yong Li, Zhengxue Liu, Huanlong Tang, Cong Song. Study of the thermal performance of a distributed solar heating system for residential buildings using a heat-user node model.Energy & Buildings, 2022, 254: 111569.

13. Yanfeng Liu*, Yong Zhou,Yaowen Chen, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Ying Zhu. Comparison of support vector machine and copula-based nonlinear quantile regression for estimating the daily diffuse solar radiation: A case study in China.Renewable Energy. 2020, 146: 1101-1112.

14. Tao Li, Yanfeng Liu*,Yaowen Chen, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang. Experimental study of the thermal performance of combined floor and Kang heating terminal based on differentiated thermal demands.Energy and buildings, 2018, 171: 196-208.

15. Yanfeng Liu*, Tao Li,Yaowen Chen, Dengjia Wang. Optimization of solar water heating system under time and spatial partition heating in rural dwellings.Energies, 2017, 1561(10): 1-19.

16. Ruichao Zhang, Dengjia Wang*, Yanfeng Liu,Yaowen Chen, Jianhua Fan, Cong Song, Yingying Wang. Economic optimization of auxiliary heat source for centralized solar district heating system in Tibetan Plateau, China.Energy Conversion and Management,2021, 243: 114385.

17. Yanfeng Liu*, Zhijun Tian, Cong Song,Yaowen Chen, Yong Li, Jiaping Liu. Thermal performance and optimization of a casing pipe solar energy storage floor with phase change material.Energy and Buildings, 2021, 247: 111167.

18. Yong Li*, Qianru Liu, Yanfeng Liu, Dengjia Wang, Song Wang,Yaowen Chen, Liu Jiaping. Calcium chloride hexahydrate/nano-SiO2 composites as form-stable phase change materials for building energy conversation: The influence of pore size of nano-SiO2.Energy and Buildings, 2020, 208, 109672.

19. Yong Li*, Mingyue Dong, Wang Song, Xiaoyu Liang,Yaowen Chen, Yanfeng Liu. Preparation and Characterization of Paraffin/Mesoporous Silica Shape-Stabilized Phase Change Materials for Building Thermal Insulation,Materials, 2021, 14(7):1775.

20. Dengjia Wang*, Qian Gao, Yanfeng Liu, Yingying Wang,Yaowen Chen, Jiaping Liu. Experimental study on heating characteristics and parameter optimization of transpired solar collectors.Applied Energy, 238: 534-546. (SCI)

21.Yaowen Chen,Yanfeng Liu, Dengjia Wang, Tao Li, Yong Zhou, Daokun Wang. Simulation and Optimization Study on a Solar Heating for Underground Biogas Digester System. ISES Solar World Conference 2017 and the IEA SHC Solar Heating and Cooling Conference for Buildings and Industry 2017


23. 刘艳峰,陈耀文,王登甲,蒋婧,王道坤. 埋地式圆柱沼气池散热特性研究. 太阳能学报,2018,03(39):821-828. (EI)

24. 张亚亚, 刘艳峰*,陈耀文, 车韧, 周立军. 基于零能耗约束的拉萨市主被动太阳能组合供暖协同优化设计研究.西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版),2021,53(06):811-818+834.

25. 刘艳峰,王道坤,陈耀文,王登甲,李涛. 沼气池内 PEX 螺旋盘管换热性能实验研究. 太阳能学报,2019,40(10):2857-2863. (EI)

26. 杨婧,刘艳峰,陈耀文,李勇,周勇.用于被动太阳能采暖适用技术选择的气候分区研究[J].太阳能学报,2021,42(06):234-242.(EI)

27. 王登甲,祁婷,陈耀文,刘艳峰,张睿超. 吸收式热泵驱动太阳能集热系统耦合供热性能研究. 太阳能学报,2021,42(11):129-136.(EI)

28. 刘艳峰,高文贞,陈耀文,唐欢龙,李勇. 分布式太阳能集中供暖用户热盈亏特性研究. 太阳能学报,2022,43(07):233-241.(EI)

29. 刘艳峰,万静,陈耀文,唐欢龙,李勇. 分布式太阳能集中供暖系统用户与集中蓄热装置容量匹配优化设计. 太阳能学报,2022,43(09):184-192.(EI)

30. 刘艳峰,曹彦宾,王登甲,陈耀文. 基于网格寻优算法的太阳能供暖系统匹配优化. 太阳能学报,2021,42(04):286-292. (EI)

31. 刘艳峰,李荟婷,王登甲,陈耀文,刘加平. 太阳能集热系统过热影响因素分析. 太阳能学报, 2021,42(03):463-468. (EI)

32. 祝彩霞,孙婷婷,刘艳峰,周勇,陈耀文. 太阳能与空气源热泵联合供暖系统容量匹配及运行优化. 太阳能学报,2021,42(08):215-222. (EI)

33. 刘嘉楠,刘艳峰,李涛,王登甲,陈耀文. 农村住宅夜间3种床/炕加热方式对比实验研究. 土木建筑与环境工程,2018,4(40):48-54.(EI)

34. 胡威,王登甲,刘艳峰,陈耀文.青藏高原地区太阳能热风楼板供暖技术适宜性分析. 建筑科学,2019,35(04):46-52.(CSCD)

35. 刘艳峰,李彤,李勇,陈耀文,王登甲,刘加平. 相变蓄热U型真空管太阳能集热器热性能研究. 太阳能学报,2021,42(07):244-250.(EI)

36. 刘艳峰,周位华,王登甲,陈耀文. 川西藏区居住建筑可再生能源供暖热源适宜性研究. 暖通空调,2020,50(09):116-121.(中文核心)


1. 刘艳峰,陈耀文,王登甲,季广学,陈晨. 一种沼气池及其换热管的设置方法. 专利号:ZL201510579403.0. 授权日:2017.06.16.

2. 刘艳峰,陈耀文,王登甲,王道坤,周勇. 一种沼气池破壳装置. 专利号:ZL201610585614.X. 授权日:2018.02.13.

3.陈耀文,刘艳峰,王登甲,王道坤,马超,蒋婧. 一种双缸沼气池搅拌器. 专利号:ZL201610334130.8. 授权日:2018.03.16

4. 刘艳峰,陈耀文,王登甲,王道坤,马超,蒋婧. 一种单缸沼气池搅拌器. 专利号:ZL201610333185.7. 授权日:2018.04.17.

5. 刘艳峰,陈耀文,王登甲,刘露露,王道坤,马超,蒋婧. 一种太阳能沼气池. 专利号:ZL201610388902.6. 授权日:2018.12.25.

6.刘艳峰, 全梦晨,陈耀文, 王登甲, 胡亮. 一种光伏-光热耦合制冷除湿空调系统及运行方法:CN202110634207.4.授权日:2021-07-30

7. 刘艳峰,刘露露,陈耀文,董宇,王道坤. 一种太阳能双级加热海水淡化装置. 专利号:201610807655.9. 授权日:2019.03.12.

8. 刘艳峰,周位华,王登甲,陈耀文,王莹莹.一种防冻防过热变倾角集热器.专利号:ZL201810895348.X.授权日:2020.06.30.

9. 刘艳峰,唐欢龙,王登甲,张亚亚,陈耀文,李勇.一种分散式太阳能供热系统与方法.专利号:ZL201911350725.2.授权日:2021.07.20.

10. 刘艳峰,张亚亚,王登甲,唐欢龙,李勇,陈耀文.一种分布式太阳能供热系统与方法.专利号:ZL 201911348753.0.授权日:2021.07.06.


1. 刘艳峰,曹彦斌,王登甲,陈耀文. 太阳能供暖系统匹配优化软件V1.0. 登记号:2019SR0960007.

2. 刘艳峰,唐欢龙,陈耀文,王登甲. 分布式太阳能供暖系统管网优化设计辅助软件V1.0. 登记号:2022SR0781908

3. 刘艳峰,张亚亚,陈耀文,王登甲,周勇,田师果. 太阳能主被动供暖系统协同优化设计软件V1.0. 登记号:2022SR0775115.

4. 庄照犇,刘艳峰,陈耀文,王登甲,赵一婷.太阳能供暖集热系统运行流量优化计算软件V1.0. 登记号:2023SR0566841.



《陕西省公共机构能耗定额标准》(DB 61/T 1399—2020)编写。


1. 2022年第十五届全国大学生节能减排科技竞赛获国家三等奖;

2. 2022年第二十八届“粉体杯”大学生创新创业大赛获校一等奖;

3. 2022年第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛获陕西省赛区金奖;


1. CAHVAC青年学术委员会委员

2. 陕西省青年科技工作者协会会员 3. 中国可再生能源学会会员

4. Applied thermal engineering、Energy Conversion and Management、Energy and Buildings 等期刊审稿




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